Former military intelligence officer Cde Never Maswerasei has made sensational claims that President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa is planning to purge several army generals.

Posting on his X handle, International Cable News, Cde Maswerasei said Mnangagwa is fighting for his political survival.

“Fresh detail coming out of the deep state in Zimbabwe is that for his own survival, Mnangagwa is reported to be preparing a ferocious attack on factional rivals within ZANU PF & the military.

“At least 5 senior generals are targeted for Heroes Acre soon,” he said.

Cde Maswerasei added that:

“Sources at Statehouse say when Mnangagwa received the news of his son’s home being gutted by fire, he sneered, slightly laughed and said “varegerei.” He then comforted the son telling him “don’t worry mfanha, leave it to me, I will deal with it.

“Given the manner in which majority of the top military generals that assisted him ascend to power through a coup de’tat in November 2017, it is nearly impossible for Mnangagwa to not fulfill this kind of a promise.

“As we reported last week, the °C is too high at Munhumutapa.”
