Firebrand opposition political figure Job Sikhala has rallied Zimbabweans to rise up and speak out against the incumbent Zanu PF regime, boldly declaring that the 31st of July ‘is the DAY’.

In a short video footage which has since gone viral on social media, an apparently charged Sikhala said the people are ‘not able to afford food whilst civil servants are being paid peanuts’.

He said the ‘suffering’ people of Zimbabwe must speak with one voice against the hardships they’re being subjected to, by the ruling Zanu PF Government- in power since the country’s independence in 1980.

His comments come at a time when dissenting Zimbabweans have organised themselves using social media to protest over worsening economic decay bedevilling the southern African country.

The envisaged protests are being fronted by Transform Zimbabwe leader Jacob Ngarivhume.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Government is, however, on record warning oppositional elements against the move, particularly in light of the Covid19 induced national lockdown.

We avail the video footage in which the MDC Alliance deputy chairperson rallied the masses to collectively speak with one voice on July 31, 2020:

