SOUTH AFRICA: Bev Sibanda falls in love with cash rich boyfriend

Controversial Zimbabwean dancer Beverly Bev Sibanda is now in a serious love relationship with a South African based Kwekwe businessman.

The cash rich gold miner identified as Boss Agrippa aka Bvola resides in Witbank.

A close source confirmed the affair saying Bev was over the moon after finding new love.

“Beverly is so excited after finding a new man in South Africa where she has settled well in recent months.

By the way, Bev had vowed to take time finding new love and it appears her prayers have been answered at last the guy is loaded, he operates a mine in Witbank where they met during one of her shows.

“In Zimbabwe, he comes from Kwekwe and they have been dating for two or so months even though they wanted to keep the affair under wraps” said the source.

The source added that Bev’s fiancée is aware of her lifestyle and he fully understands the nature of her profession:

“Boss Bvola has no problem with Bev’s job because when he entered into the relationship, he knew very well that Bev was a dancer,” said the source.

Bev who has previously been linked to footballer Khama Billiat and singer Andy Muridzo did not respond when asked to comment on the issue amidst reports that the dancer is now planning to start things on a new chapter.