Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) president Nelson Chamisa who recently fired Harare Mayor Jacob Mafume ‘for dining with the enemy’ says the country has no shortage of sell outs, adding that it is now a booming industry.

He adds that it is disheartening that some people are more than ready to sell out to the oppressor:

“SELLING OUT IS A BOOMING INDUSTRY…especially under a dictatorship. One thing surprises me; at any given moment in time, there is never a shortage of individuals who are readily available or willingly accessible, to sell their soul to the oppressor, thereby assisting the oppressor to achieve their own power retention motives and wicked ends. And it is always about the thirty pieces of silver.”

He says Zimbabwe is a broken nation that needs to be fixed before next elections:

LET’S FIX OUR BROKEN NATION… There is NO next election without fixing the fraud, chicanery and cheating problems of the past and last elections.

“23 August 2023 was a gigantic fraud- a source of national shame and international embarrassment.

“Zimbabwe must be brought back to transparent national processes, majority rule and a citizens-elected leadership.

“No sideshows can deflect us from this core business as citizens. We must focus on the main-show.. the full realization of the true will of the people of Zimbabwe.”
