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The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has confirmed a fatal road traffic accident in which two people were killed whilst nine others were injured when a Nissan Caravan vehicle with seven passengers on board hit the trailer of a Freightliner Haulage truck with no passengers on board.

The accident happened at the 55 km peg along Kwekwe-Gokwe road on 30/07/23.

As a result of the accident, the Nissan Caravan vehicle veered off the road to the right and hit two pedestrians who were walking along the road.

The driver of the Nissan Caravan and the pedestrian died on the spot.

In other news, police in Mutare are investigating a sad incident in which Last Murewa (31), Taurai Kamutano (41) and Elben Kandenga (38) died due to suffocation whilst draining water from an approximately 19 m deep well using a petrol powered water pump which they had placed in the well Zimbabwe.

The water pump emitted smoke which filled up the well and suffocated the victims.
