The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) says has taken note of a twitter post by Pedzisai Ruhanya on alleged unprofessionalism by the Police where it is alleged that Police Zimbabwe liked a certain tweet.

“Please note that the ZRP twitter handle is only used for updating the public on crime matters and policing issues in a professional manner and not liking posts and tweets from individuals or organisations with sinister agendas,” says ZRP.

Ruhanya challenged the police to explain their position regarding the tweet.

And in response ZRP says whoever is trying to hack or interfere with the normal police twitter handle will be investigated and the law will take its course.

Meanwhile, ZRP says with reference to their previous tweet on 12/04/22 on a robbery case which occurred at the Council for the Blind Zimbabwe offices in Bulawayo where a Toyota Land Cruiser vehicle, a safe containing US$44 028, ZAR 49 060, PULA 18 610 and other valuables, all worth US$ 96 228, ZAR 49 060 and PULA 18 060 were stolen.

The Police has arrested Oliver Mhlanga (36), Vusimuzi Mguni (23), McDonald Tinashe Malaya (37) and Kelvin Njabulo Dube (30) in connection with the armed robbery case.

The stolen vehicle and a 38 Smith Wesson revolver, CFB 0069 safe, Dell and Asus laptops, cash and other valuables all worth US$95 728, ZAR 49 060 and PULA 18 060 were recovered.

Apparently, on 11/04/22, Police in Kadoma acted on received information to the effect that there were three men, using a Toyota Axio vehicle, who paid for 3 live and 8 dressed chickens at a house in Norton using a fake US$100 note.

Upon being stopped by the Police at Kadoma tollgate, the three suspects disembarked from the vehicle and vanished into the nearby bushes leaving behind the vehicle.

The vehicle was searched and 13xUS$100 fake notes, 3 live and 8 dressed chickens were recovered. Investigations are underway.
