The Manhize Iron Steel Project being undertaken by the Tsingshan group at Chirumanzu district has made massive progress.

The plant is set to be the biggest in all of Southern Africa providing raw materials for our infrastructural work and forex from exports.

The plant is expected to fill the void left by the Zimbabwe Iron and Steel Company (ZISCO).

ZISCO Steel is the largest steel works in Zimbabwe and during its hay days used to be main steel exporter in Africa. It is located just outside Kwekwe, in Redcliff, Kwekwe District.

Over the years the company has faced many operational problems and corruption scandals and has of late been operating at next to nil capacity utilisation.

The Company stopped operations in January 2008, following three successive power outages from the national grid coupled with cooling water challenges leading to the cooling down of Coke Oven batteries and subsequently the cooling down of the Blast Furnace.

Apparently, construction of Manhize Steel; what will be Africa’s biggest iron ore mine and a carbon steel plant in Manhize, Mvuma in Midlands Province, is on course as groundwork has been completed with electricity now connected to the US$1 billion project site.

Chinese global steelmaker, Tsingshan Holding Group is undertaking the project, and it is expected to employ over 6000 people.

The establishment of the steel company will also result in the establishment of a new town in Manhize.

A steel industrial park will also be set up and there will be downstream industries.
