President Mugabe’s party Zanu PF is concerned that it’s agents have been fingered as the reason for the sudden demise of Joice Mujuru and her new political outfit, Zim PF.

This comes after the former vice president insinuated that Mugabe’s agents(the CIO) were working with the so called party elders in order to undermine her authority.

However, Zanu PF,  through its Secretary for Administration, Ignatius Chombo, has distanced itself from the ZimPF implosion which saw Mujuru expelling some the party’s founding members, among them Didymus Mutasa, Rugare Gumbo, Margaret Dongo, Kudakwashe Bhasikiti and Munacho Mutezo.

The group countered by expelling Mujuru, before some party youths, led by Prosper Gavanga and Luckson Kandemiri abandoned the ship today, citing incompetence on the part of the leadership.

Chombo said there was no involvement of Zanu PF agents and the same people were also expelled from Zanu PF because they were misguided.

Ironically, Chombo’s boss President Robert Mugabe once predicted a split in the Zim PF party, which he said was founded of chaos.

Meanwhile,  a number of analysts have likened recent events in the party as the biggest stillbirth in post independent Zimbabwe and an embarrassment to opposition politics.