A Zimbabwe opposition party official is claiming that President Mnangagwa’s government has dispatched a team of military assassins to kill exiled politicians who fled to South Africa following the fall of Robert Mugabe.

Secretary-General of the Walter Mzembiled  led People’s Party,  Lloyd Msipa, alleges that the Government of Zimbabwe last week sent MID operatives to hunt down Walter Mzembi, Godfrey Gandawa, Saviour Kasukuwere, Patrick Zhuwawo and other politicians living in South Africa with orders to kill them.

Msipa wrote on social media:

Meanwhile @edmnangagwa last week dispatched MID operatives to hunt down @waltermzembi @DrGGandawa @Hon_Kasukuwere @PatrickZhuwao & eminent exiles in SA with orders to kill. They hired black Audi Q5 & white Toyota Yaris @BidvestCarHire at OR Tambo – @CyrilRamaphosa @DIRCO_ZA

The issue arises at a time Harare authorities have set their eyes on land assets owned by former Mugabe G40 members. So far the state has seized farms and properties belonging to Prof Jonathan Moyo, Saviour Kasukuwere, Patrick Zhuwao, Mandiitawepi Chimene, Grace Mugabe, Bona Mugabe and Walter Mzembi.

But the exiles appear prepared to wage a verbal war against Zanu PF’s chaotic land policies.

Writing on social media Mzembi said:

Wealth is all that a man is left with when he loses everything . It is created not gained by dispossession otherwise Zim would be very rich with all those farms and equipment but alas we have been appealing to the world to feed our people ever since.