President Emmerson Mnangagwa of Zanu PF has been re-elected with 52.6 percent of the vote, beating challenger Nelson Chamisa of CCC into second place with 44 percent, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission has announced.
Election fell short of the requirements of the constitution of Zimbabwe, the electoral act and the SADC principals

The Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) cited cancellation of opposition rallies, biased state media and alleged voter intimidation among some of the issues that sullied the election.

“Some aspects of the harmonised election fell short of the requirements of the constitution of Zimbabwe, the electoral act and the SADC principals and guidelines governing democratic elections,” said head of the delegation Nevers Mumba.

The observers deployed by the 16-nation SADC group, however said the period running to the election and the voting phases were “peaceful and calm”.

Unknown…They announced results in a funny way today. They didn’t do their usual breakdown by province etc. They are waiting for Amandla Results first… CheckMate
Thabani Mpofu: Be calm Zim & maintain peace. As I said, this is the beginning of many beautiful things. ED loses against his own people & against his opponents. So how is he declared a winner? You can’t call this election a dog’s breakfast without insulting dogs. This shall be corrected.
H Chin’ono…President Emmerson Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe has been declared the winner of that country’s 2023 presidential election against main opposition leader, Nelson Chamisa. It means Emmerson Mnangagwa will be president of Zimbabwe for another 5 year term which will end in August 2028.
P Mkwananzi…We are in a transition that transcends all this madness, it’s an evolution! Zimbabwe will never go back where it was before the 23rd of August 2023.
We reject any result hastily assembled without proper verification NOT lectureship. We will advise citizens on the next steps as the situation develops. We will not relent on the people’s victory!