MDC chief, Morgan Tsvangirai, and the president of the Zimbabwe People First (ZPF), Joice Mujuru, are plotting the father of all mega demonstrations against President Robert Mugabe and his troubled Zanu PF in Harare on Wednesday next week.

The demo is deliberately planned on the same week when Mugabe’s government is unleashing a new controversial token currency known and bond note.

Zimbabwe  authorities are already mobilising police and other security agents in and around Harare in anticipation of trouble as the new currency is officially launched.

In preparation for the November 30 massive demonstrations, MDC’s Tsvangirai will stage a  rally at the Zimbabwe Grounds in Highfield on Saturday, tomorrow.

“The people of Zimbabwe are taking to the streets in their tens of thousands on November 30 as we continue our unrelenting, consistent and peaceful democratic resistance to the Zanu PF autocracy and dictatorship,” MDC spokesperson Obert Gutu confirmed.

ZPF spokesperson, Jealousy Mawarire, said his party was also gearing up for the planned mass protest in the capital.

“The fact that this is a Nera demonstration means that we have to moblise our supporters. Our Harare provincial executive is working on all the logistics,” he said.


This is not a bond note demonstration, opposition parties want the cessation of the dual role being played by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec)’s chairperson, Rita Makarau, who is also secretary of the Judicial Commission; the reconstitution Zec’s secretariat which they claim is packed with Zanu PF functionaries; and transparency in the voter registration exercise.


Mugabe, the only leader that Zimbabweans have known since the country gained independence from Britain in 1980, is facing growing pressure to quit office from his own subordinates and supporters who feel that he is now too old to lead the country.