What is happening in Zimbabwe Today, Why are people protesting against the government of Robert Mugabe

Zimbabwe Protester’s demands:

  • Pay civil servants on time
  • Reduce roadblocks and stop officers harassing people for cash
  • President Robert Mugabe should fire and prosecute corrupt officials
  • Plans to introduce bond notes to ease a cash shortage should be abandoned
  • Remove a recent ban on imported goods.
  • Mugabe Must Step Down if he can not meet or guarantee the above demands 
zimbabwe stay away www.zwnews.com

Harare this  morning

Zimbabwe News Update on Shut Down Stay Away Protests

There is heavy police patrols in Zimbabwe’s major cities as seen on pictures below.

While hundreds have taken heed of Stay Away and remained in their houses today, civil servants in government have been warned and threatened with unspecified consequences if they join the strike.

What is happening in Zimbabwe, Why are people protesting against the government of Robert Mugabe

The government has even provided them with alternative transport so there is no excuse.

very low business in Harare today streets empty www.zwnews.com

A Bulawayo based state employee who spoke to zwnews.com on condition of anonymity told our reporters that those most civil servants are doing ‘sit ins’ just turning up at workplace but not actually working.

Heavily armed riot police were spotted this morning in Bulawayo, Harare, Gweru, Mutare, Masvingo and Kwekwe.

This comes after Zanu PF officials and government security agents’ threats to violently deal with workers and companies found complying with the planned mass stay away today.

Zimbabwe police have been criticised for using disproportionate force against peaceful protests.

In his recorded video message, This Flag campaigner and protester Pastor Evan Mawarire has been urging people to be peaceful and not to destroy any properties.

Mawarire is currently locked up in Harare Police cells were he is being charged for inciting violence and disturbing peace in the country.

zimbabwe shutdown protest this week credit www.zwnews.com

delta stay away letter latest