FIRST Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa’s motorcade was Friday involved in a fatal accident in Muzarabani, Mashonaland Central province.

The accident resulted in one death (name of casualty withdrawn as next-of-kin have not been notified), with three members of the First Lady’s security personnel reported to be seriously injured.

The three were airlifted to Harare for treatment.

According to reports reaching Zim Morning Post, one of the cars constituting the motorcade developed breaking problems, with the driver reportedly attempting to avoid hitting the First Lady’s vehicle which was immediately in front of him.

As a result, the car swerved and overturned, in the process rolling down the mountain before it got caught by trees.

The First Lady was going to give out food and other handouts to vulnerable people living near Zimbabwe’s border with Mozambique.

No foul play is suspected.

Lately, the First Lady has been going around the country on philanthropic missions through her Charity of Hope charity organisation, attending to the needs of mostly underpriveleged members of society during this COVID-19 lockdown period.

The First Lady, who was travelling in another vehicle, is reportedly safe.
