The Director of Climate Change Management in the Ministry of Environment, Climate Washington Zhakata has been appointed to the high post of Vice Board Chair of the Adaptation Fund of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change which is housed in the World Bank.

His appointment is with immediate effect.

Zhakata was a board member representing Africa and during his tenure two projects have been approved for Zimbabwe.

The Environmental Management Agency (EMA) of Zimbabwe has been accredited as a National Implementing Entity to handle climate funds on behalf of the Adaptation Fund in Zimbabwe.

A project worth US$5million has been approved and being implemented through EMA on ‘Enhancing resilience of communities and ecosystems in the face of a changing climate in arid and semi-arid areas of Zimbabwe’.

The other US$5million project on ‘Increasing local communities’ adaptive capacity and resilience to climate change through increased groundwater exploitation in Zimbabwe’ was also approved and is being implemented in the country through UNESCO.