Following the death of his father, Chief Charamba (real name Timothy Charamba) of Bikita, ruling Zanu PF Politburo member and ex-army general, Retired Lieutenant Engelbert Rugeje has been chosen to assume the chieftainship on an acting capacity.
The appointment of Rugeje (58) by the Charamba family, was reportedly premised on the consideration that he is the eldest son to the late Chief Charamba who died aged 97 on 16 July 2019.
Rugeje confirmed the latest development in an interview with the state media. He said the appointment was in sync with their Duma customs.

“It is not that I have been appointed substantive Chief because there are still many processes that have to be followed for one to be a substantive Chief that will culminate with the seal of approval from the President,” Rugeje said.
The former Zanu PF National weighed in:
“The family sat down and agreed to appoint me as acting Chief because I am the eldest surviving son but it’s not a final decision as there are many processes to follow”, said Rugeje who will most likely be endorsed as the new substantive chief by President Emmerson Mnangagwa.
The Duma clan members in Bikita unofficially fall under the jurisdiction of paramount Chief Mazungunye, a descendant of the great ancestor of the Dumas.
Rugeje was among dozens of former army generals who were retired and subsequently joined full time politics when Mnangagwa succeeded the late toppled tyrant, Robert Mugabe.

State Media