By Patrick Zhuwao: ZANU PF Youth League leaders, Lewis Matutu and Godfrey Tsenengamu announced the creation of a rival movement to ostensibly address what they stated as the institutional failure of the Mnangagwa led ZANU PF party and government to tackle corruption. Speaking at a media briefing at the Media Centre in Harare on Monday 3rd February 2020, the two senior ZANU PF leaders, indicated a very clear vote of no confidence in Mnangagwa’s efforts at tackling corruption using both state institutions and the structures of ZANU PF.

Whilst the media briefing was superficially meant to address cartels, it became clear that the real objective was to announce the formation of what they interchangeably referred to as a movement, platform or organisation rival to ZANU PF. The fact that the briefing was not held at ZANU PF Headquarters is very telling given that ZANU PF believes in its own supremacy.

What is also particularly telling is that Matutu and Tsenengamu declared that they were not speaking for ZANU PF despite their very senior positions in ZANU PF’s Politburo and Central Committee, as well as in the Youth League’s National Executive. They even went further to indicate, without any solicitation, that they were ready to leave their positions in ZANU PF.

Given that the persons named as being cartel kingpins have been mentioned previously, it is clear that all the noises about cartels was merely a ruse to announce the formation of a movement, platform or organisation into which select persons would be absorbed as the system, which views itself as the real stockholder of ZANU PF, moves to implode the ruling party. We are in for another episode of kuitiswa; this time in February and not November!

Asante Sana. Iwe Neni Tine Basa. Umsebenzi lo Umkhulu.