The ruling Zanu PF has resolved to ‘vigilantly and cautiously’ decide on the readmission of its former members who were aligned to the mutilated G40 cabal which was viciously opposed to the presidential aspirations of then VP Emmerson Mnangagwa during the era of dethroned late Zimbabwe dictator, Robert Mugabe.

In a meeting held in the capital yesterday, Acting Zanu PF Spokesperson Patrick Chinamasa said the ‘politburo deliberated on applications by former G40 comrades who have indicated and pleaded to be re-admitted back into the Party and that these will be looked into vigilantly and cautiously’.

Members of the G40 cabal

Several former ruling party officials who fell by the wayside when Mnangagwa succeeded Mugabe in a November 2017 dramatic palace coup, are reportedly retracing their way back into the party and have already submitted their applications for readmission.

Before Mnangagwa ascended to the presidency three years ago, the ruling Zanu PF was stratified into two rival factions namely the G40 fighting against the septuagenarian and Team Lacoste, which fought on his corner.

Upon assumption of power, Mnangagwa went on a cleansing exercise that saw the ejection of perceived G40 loyalists who were replaced by his cronies, mostly from the Midlands Province.

But in recent months, several former party officials linked to the G40 cabal have been positioning themselves for readmission.

Ironically, the reports come at a time when the dreaded Ferret team members allegedly skipped the porus Beitbridge Border Post into South Africa, with special instructions to abduct G40 leaders exiled in the neighboring country.

These include former Local Government minister Saviour Kasukuwere, ex-Tourism minister Walter Muzembi and Mugabe’s nephew Patrick Zhuwao, who was youth and indigenization minister when his uncle was deposed in a coup euphemistically referred to as Operation Restore Legacy.

Mugabe lost his grip on power for the first time since the attainment of independence from Britain in 1980 amid vicious squabbling over his successor.

The late despot’s wife, Grace, who led the eventually vanquished G40 cabal was also at one time believed to be positioning herself to assume the coveted presidential throne upon the anticipated departure of her then ailing husband.

The late former President Robert Mugabe

Initially, when former Vice President Mnangagwa was controversially fired from the ruling party and skipped the border for safety, the G40s prematurely celebrated victory and taunted party members who were loyal to him.

But the celebrations were to be short-lived after Mnangagwa bounced back two weeks latter, like he initially promised, to take over power on the back of the military who forced the late Mugabe into resignation.

In the run-up to the disputed 2018 general elections controversially won by Mnangagwa, an apparently aggrieved Mugabe told journalists at his plush Blue Roof mansion in leafy Borrowdale, Harare, that he was going to ballot in favour of youthful MDC Alliance president, Nelson Chamisa.
