In a puzzling development, Zanu PF Kwekwe District headquarters has literally been turned into a drug-peddling zone after it emerged that a syndicate of well-connected party youths has set up a base where all sorts of illicit substances which include marijuana and the interdicted Broncleer, known as Bronko in street lingo, are being traded in broad daylight.

According to well-placed sources privy to the goings-on, the drug-peddling syndicate which reportedly has the blessings of high-ranking ruling party elites, operates at a makeshift tent erected at the perimeter fence demarcating the party office and Sally Mugabe Primary School (formerly Russell). Staffers at the learning institution, who spoke to this reporter on condition of anonymity said the drug-peddling ‘base’ adversely impacts on the learning processes at Sally Mugabe.

“It is actually shocking that these activities have been going on for close to two years now and it is an open secret that this has blessings from senior party officials”, a source told this publication.

“The top brass is obviously benefitting and the police has no powers to arrest the well-protected drug peddlers. Are you serious that you want to write that story? Make sure nobody knows because they will deal with you. The media has been silent, you think they don’t know?” warned the source.

Another Kwekwe resident said:

“It is common knowledge that this is a mining area which has the infamy of machete-wielding assailants known as MaShurugwi. These gold paners frequent the (Zanu PF) party office where they find refuge at the makeshift tent which is within the premises of the district headquarters”.

Efforts to get a comment from the party’s Midlands provincial spokesperson Cornelius Mupereri proved fruitless during the time of publishing.
