Amid reports that Zanu-Pf members were looting and plundering the aid meant for cyclone victims, the Minister of local governance July Moyo has banned political parties from the distribution of aid to Cyclone Idai survivors.

Responding to questions from senators in the Upper House on Tuesday, Minister Moyo said:

I assure that we do not allow any political interference in the distribution of food, but we have Chimanimani East MP Joshua Sacco who has shown great leadership qualities even if he is a member of a political party. No one has done what this member has done.

Now we have concluded that from now onwards, nobody takes any food even if we are under pressure. Let us not go beyond what has happened…

It might have happened, but we have given instructions that no one gets any food when they are identifying themselves as a political party. Unfortunately, the cars they were using were of a political party.

Moyo revealed that the government will now be liaising with Civil Protection Unit (CPU), police, army and UN agencies and other reputable organisations or companies to make sure that all donations go to the deserving people.