Zanu-PF has recalled three of its members of parliament for misconduct.

The party spokesman Simon Khaya Moyo confirmed the development to journalists after Wednesday’s politburo meeting in Harare.

“Kwekwe Central legislator Masango Matambanadzo, Goromonzi West parliamentarian Beatrice Nyamupinga and Godfrey Gandawa, Magunje MP have been recalled from the august House for misconduct,” he said.

“They know the reason themselves. I know that three have been recalled. Secretary for Administration Obert Mpofu has written to the Speaker of Parliament Jacob Mudenda on the development.

“The recalling has something to do with their conduct and, of course I would say to do with bringing the name of the party into disrepute. I have not seen the letters myself but, I am quite aware that they have been recalled from parliament.

“One cannot just be withdrawn from parliament. There is a reason for that. As a party spokesperson, my duty is just to communicate issues and soon we will know why they have been recalled,” Moyo said.