Information reportedly unearthed by YARD shows what the organization has described a disturbing situation in Epworth which could see the ruling ZANU PF party failing to land the parliamentary seat.

Subject of the matter is Zaleriah Makari defeated Kudakwashe Damson during the primary elections, meanwhile, Damson’s former Election Agent Innocent Hazvina has gone rogue & is set to contest as an independent candidate.

Apparently, Norton Independent Member of Parliament Temba Mliswa has warned ZANU PF to address Internal struggles rather than wasting energies fighting the opposition.

“Instead of ZANU-PF focusing on impinging the opposition’s operations it should be focusing on dealing with internal strife that threatens the party’s candidates such as Epworth’s Zaleriah Makari.

“Already, there are fatal fissures there which need urgent attention,” adds Mliswa.

He adds that these are party members who are working, coordinating for an independent candidate while the party itself is busy fighting Citizens Coalition for Change CCC leader Nelson Chamisa.

Mliswa says it’s a fissure which has nothing to do with the opposition.

“As an independent candidate I’m very much aware of the impact and benefits of having party opponents that are fighting. All I have to do is harness the aggrieved,” he says.
