President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa while addressing ZANU PF Politburo meeting on Wednesday, said party members who are calling for a constitutional amendment to allow him to remain in power beyond his term limit are causing disharmony in the party.

“Accordingly, I challenge the party to resolutely oppose statements and actions that undermine or distort our correct line of the revolution.

“All moves to damage the interests of the people of our great motherland, tamper with our unity, social harmony, development interest, sovereignty, security and overall national stability should be decisively dealt with,” he said.

Mnangagwa called on party structures to act boldly against anything that erodes, weakens or undermines the party’s unity.

“Unruly elements, who are abusing various media platforms to cause alarm and despondency, while also sowing disunity and advancing misguided, nefarious political agendas within the country and party, stand warned.”

Meanwhile, reacting to Mnangagwa’s sentiments, former Minister of Foreign Affairs Walter Mzembi said the President should support his statement with action.

“President Mnangagwa needs to follow his statement to the Politburo yesterday with disciplinary measures against those who continue to threaten our Constitution,” he said.

Mzembi added: “Unfortunately mob psychology has gripped Provincial Coordination Councils ( PCCs) which every weekend enter into stampedes to undo his constitutional statements, rendering his now frequent statements on constitutionality as grandstanding, nulĺ & void.”

According to critics, President Mnangagwa is believed to be the very person behind the 2030 slogan.

Many believe by not strongly reprimanding those who are pushing the agenda, Mnangagwa is secretly urging them on.
