Reports filtering through is that ZANU-PF cadres are currently chasing vendors without ZANU-PF cards along fifth avenue in Bulawayo.

According to CITEZW, a Bulawayo based journalist, Annastacia Ndlovu was assaulted by ZANU PF members while covering skirmishes between vendors and the ruling party at the Fifth Avenue market this morning.

Meanwhile, President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa is on record saying his party don’t subscribe to the use of violence.

While addressing a rally in Masvingo yesterday, President Mnangagwa called for peace before, during and after elections.

The publication, reports that informal traders operating along Fifth Avenue in Bulawayo’s city centre were Monday, ordered to vacate their stalls by Zanu PF members who claimed the space belongs to card-carrying party members.

Apparently, vendors aligned with ZANU PF under the Vendors 4ED banner, control a section of the informal market.

When a CITE news team descended on the ground, it witnessed that the targeted vendors had removed their wares and were being addressed by the ZANU-PF members.
