ZANU PF activist, Lovedale Mangwana, a lawyer, says presidential aspirant Saviour Kasukuwere ceased to be a registered voter by operation of the law by being outside the country for 18 months in a row.

However, Kasukuwere’s lawyer Jacqueline Sande says this shall fall flat on its face as all other frivolous allegations.

Mangwana is seen in a number of photographs enjoying company of Justice Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi in his urgent court application wants Kasukuwere removed from August 23 ballot on basis that he is not registered voter.

Apparently, the ruling party is calling for Kasukuwere’s arrest once he comes to Zimbabwe to campaign.

The Zimbabwe Republic Police has also expressed interest to question Kasukuwere saying he is sitting on two warrants of arrest.

However, Kasukuwere says he is not afraid of being arrested and will soon come to Zimbabwe.
