Norton Independent Member of Parliament Temba Mliswa has blasted Information Minister Monica Mustvangwa for condemning the attack on journalists only when it is done by opposition parties but remain silent when ZANU-PF do it.

He was responding to a statement by Mutsvangwa condemning the attack of journalist Ruvimbo Muchenje by Citizens Coalition for Change security agents, saying failed to do the same when ZANU-PF members attacked journalists recently.

“The effectiveness & sense of this statement is limited & damaged by the absence of the same when
ZANU-PF supporters assaulted journalists covering a CCC event recently.

“We can’t end the scourge of violence fighting it with such insincerity,” he says.

Mliswa adds that laws should be applied equally across the board.

“Effective leadership is when the standard and principles are applied equally and fairly across the board.

“When we speak out only when the situation favours us then we are part of the problem,” he says.
