President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa has been warned that his is not being given sound advice, but misled into creating conditions for a revolt against him.

Cde Never Maswerasei says Mnangagwa is wrong in thinking that the unexplained multiple military deaths that followed the Nov 2017 Coup are and will be the bedrock of his further stay in power.

“Due to bad advice, Mnangagwa has brewed for himself conditions for a serious revolt against him. In his head he thinks the unexplained multiple military deaths that followed the Nov 2017 Coup are and will be the bedrock of his further stay in power. Cracks are very serious now,” he says.

He even warned the current Zimbabwe National Army boss Valerio Sibanda that he could be the next in line, alleging that he might be killed two or three years after being promoted to the VP post:

Cde Never Maswerasei says Mnangagwa should open his eyes to see the winds of change sweeping across Africa.

“He is too blind to the winds of change sweeping across the African continent. With no guarantees for life for those with the means after this confusion, Zimbabwe has entered a phase where a brother will viciously turn against a brother. It’s more than chess and checkers.”
