By Johnsias Mutonhori

A 35 year old woman is alleged to have killed herself after she had  a dispute with her sister over plastic buckets.

The now deceased, Susan chakauya of Village A Bedza under Chief Zimunya and her sister Elizabeth chakauya (25) were married to the same man identified as Watson Taonezvi(45).

Susan and Elizabeth are reported to have had a long standing dispute over their marriage with the now deceased accusing the later for snatching her hubby.

On the fatefull day, Susan and her sister had an alleged verbal altercation over plastic backets which had gone missing.

When Taonezvi came back home, he found a cup containing some poisonous substances and he decided to follow to the fields where he found Susan lying in agony.

He rushed home and tried to render first aid but she died before being taken to hospital.

The matter was reported to police who attended the scene.