IF you are a man who likes to have sex out of wedlock, be sure to always wear some armour on your crotch.

The advice came following an incident in which a Zvishavane man reportedly passed out after his enraged wife lunged at him and grabbed his testicles in a vice-like grip after finding out he had impregnated their maid.

It is reported that on Saturday last week, during a heated argument at their home, Emily Svondo flew into rage and gave her husband Amos Mangoma a real piece of her mind when she forcibly grabbed his genitals and repeatedly squeezed them until he fainted.

According to a source when Svondo from Makwasha suburb latched on to her husband’s balls, she screamed saying he will never have sex again.
Svondo, the source said, was angry that her husband had relegated her by making her share his magic stick with their maid who was later sent packing.

“Trouble started after the seemingly suspicious Svondo asked their pregnant maid the man who was responsible for her pregnancy. When the maid revealed that it was her husband who had impregnated her, she (Svondo) repeatedly assaulted her with open hands before she bolted out of the house to confront her husband who was sitting at the verandah,” said the source who preferred anonymity.

The source further said the couple started quarrelling before the argument got physical as they exchanged blows.

“During that furious row the wife violently grabbed her husband’s genitals and squeezed them while shouting that he was not going to have sex again. The man who possibly could not bear the pain was writhing in agony thereby attracting the attention of their quick-witted neighbours who rushed to the house and rescued him by rendering first aid,” said the source.

Mangoma, who was overcome with giult for having wronged his wife, refused to report her to the police.

After the near tragic incident, Mangoma’s parents who apparently felt their son was no longer safe at the hands of his wife took him to their rural home in Mazvihwa.

According to a source it was not the first time that Mangoma had been attacked on his groin by his wife as she once did it sometime last year after she found love text messages in his mobile phone.

When contacted for comment a hostile Svondo said she was not at liberty to share her marital problems with the Press. Mangoma’s comment could also not be obtained as his mobile phone was unreachable by the time of going to print.