The ruling party ZANU-PF says Citizens Coalition for Change CCC president Nelson Chamisa stole money meant for his bullet proof car.

The ruling party mocked the opposition party supporters to donated money for Chamisa’s bullet proof car, saying they were duped.

“Makabirwa mari.

“Takakuudzai kuti Chamisa imbavha.

“Vakadya mari yemota.

“We don’t want such people near Gvt,” says the ZANU PF Patriots.

The ruling party was posting in reference to the call for donation that was made by the party few months ago, following attacks on Chamisa’s convoy.

The then MDC Alliance leader survived what his party said was an assassination attempt in Mutare when his Toyota Land Cruiser was allegedly shot at in October.

A GoFundMe page called ‘Let’s Replace the People’s President’s Car’ was set up on October 12 aiming to raise US$120,000 for an “amour-plated vehicle as well as security apparel for his safety and security.

The target was met on December 7 although Zimbabweans around the world continued to donate with US$1,000 more raised by 10AM on December 8.

Commenting on the feat, Chamisa said he was “humbled” after a citizen-led initiative to buy him a bulletproof car met its target of raising US$120,000.
