As the Zimbabwe’s anticipated polls nears with each passing day, it has become clear that the ruling party will use every trick in the book to remain in power.

This has been seen from the party’s dirty acts in order to disadvantage opposition parties and candidates.

Meanwhile, some Analysts say despite coups being undesirable, when elections are always rigged, people end up celebrating them.

Barred presidential candidate Saviour Kasukuwere’s Head of Marketing and Mobilisation Cde Never Maswerasei says

“The reason people end up celebrating coups is because they will have tried the ballot box & being rigged election in election out.

“It looks like those that came in through coup in learnt nothing as they are hellbent on staging the mother of all rigging IF ELECTION HAPPENS,” he says.

He urges those who would come to power through coups to be better than those they would have toppled.

“When a coup gets you in as it did Emmerson, you have a duty to genuinely turn a new governance page and not become worse than the one you deposed.

“You are expected to unite people over your 5 years tenure. When at the end of your term you have failed, you must be shown the door,” he says.

ZANU PF leaders are known for saying anyone who did not participated in the liberation struggle will never rule Zimbabwe.

They say the country was won through the barrel of the gun and will never be won by opposition using a pen (vote).

Senior ZANU PF official Christopher Mutsvangwa recently urged all those who are not happy with how the country is being run to go to war.

President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa is on record saying he never lose an election despite indicators on the ground showing otherwise.
