PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa has reprimanded the Newshawks reporters after they tweeted that he used the Tonga language instead of “the main languages” during his visit to Victoria Falls.

Newshawks accused Mnangagwa of not using two official languages which is shona and ndebele.

When the President was in Victoria Falls this week after he had officially decreed the resort town a city, he addressed officials and the media in Tonga language, an indigenous and official language of Zimbabwe which is commonly spoken in Matebeleland North area including Victoria Falls.

“President Emmerson Mnangagwa speaking in a different language – which is not Shona or Ndebele, the two main indigenous mediums of communication – during his Victoria Falls freedom of the city event.
Mnangagwa grew up in Zambia and speaks Zambian languages as well,” tweeted Newshawks.

But the President, responding on his official Twitter handle, chided the publication.

“I’m speaking Tonga – an official language of Zimbabwe and commonly spoken in Vic Falls. We should all be proud of the diversity of Zimbabwe’s languages.

“This is not good journalism,” said Mnangagwa.

The  14 official  languages of Zimbabwe include; Ndebele, English,  Shona, Chewa, Chibarwe, Kalanga, Nambya, Ndau, Shangani, Zimbabwean sign language, Sotho, Tonga, Tswana, Venda and Xhosa.

Why Mnangagwa says Zambia is his home?

Emmerson Mnangagwa though he was born in Zimbabwe, grew up in Mumbwa(Zambia) then later Matero

He is believed to have held Zambian nationality at one time. Mnangagwa went to Hodgson Technical College later to become David Kaunda Technical School at the same time as Yotham Muleya
Emmerson Mungangwa speaks fluent Bemba, Nyanja and Tonga.
Emmerson Mnangagwa did his Law degree at the University of Zambia and was called to the bar as an Advocate of the High Court of Zambia in 1976. Mnangagwa still has family in Zambia at the family farm in Mumbwa.