Don’t be fooled it’s hard outside here to find a man who’ll belong to you…

There was big drama when unidentified women in formal dressing exchanged blows in front of onlookers in a busy Harare shopping mall on Monday.

According to Herald today the two women were captured at Eastgate Shopping Mall. It is alleged that they were fighting for a man.

The crowd stood by and discouraged the security from separating them. The crowd is heard cheering from a distance telling female security guards not to interfere with the ongoing fight.


DD: Motipasa manyemwe isu vanhurume kana muchirovana nekuda kwedu

TC: Ndobva ndarangirira song ya system tazvida – kurwira rudo,, RIP system tazvida chazezesa challengers

BH:Yeah.we really need national healing as a country. We cant witness people fighting and we enjoy that.Lack of jobs. Idle mind is the devils workshop. If those women were working non of that was going to happen. We just cant be civil.

TG:Kkkkkk endai munorova murume wacho

FDH: Don’t be fooled it’s hard outside here to find a man who’ll belong to you most women only finds hit and run men 

GH:What is more shameful and disturbing is grown-ups jeering and cheering on such dreadful spectacle.Some even blocking the guard from breaking up the fight.What a shame.

RD: Vakadzi vanotosekana vakaona umwe zip isina kuvharika, moyo weumhondi ugere mavari