A Victoria Falls man(20) has been arrested for having sexual intercourse with a minor girl in a moving commuter omnibus full of passengers.

The Form Four girl, now 16, is seven months pregnant following the consensual sexual encounter that took place on December 24 last year in a kombi that was heading to Jambezi from Victoria Falls.

Nhlalwenhle Mpofu, a general hand at Victoria Falls Municipality and residing in Chinotimba suburb, pleaded guilty to having sexual intercourse with a young person when he appeared before Victoria Falls magistrate, Ms Rangarirai Gakanje.

He was remanded in custody to today for sentence.

His lawyer, Mr Thulani Nkala of Dube, Nkala and Company said Mpofu deserved a second chance as he had shown remorse by pleading guilty. “The accused is a young person who is gainfully employed and incarcerating him will destroy his future as he will be unemployed. Besides, the age difference is small as the complainant is 16,” said Mr Nkala.

Prosecuting, Mr Bheki Tshabalala said Mpofu and his unnamed friend offered to have the complainant and her younger sister sit on their laps as the vehicle was full.

Along the way, Mpofu and the complainant had consensual sex.

“On December 23 the accused proposed love to the complainant who rejected. The following day the complainant boarded a kombi to Jambezi and the accused was also in the kombi. The kombi was full and the complainant and other girls were made to sit on the accused and his friends’ laps,” said the prosecutor.

The court was told that along the way, Mpofu unzipped his pair of trousers and had sex with the complainant in the presence of her younger sister and other passengers.

The matter came to light in May when the complainant’s aunt suspected that she was pregnant. The girl revealed that she had not had her periods for five months.

A report was made to the police leading to Mpofu’s arrest.

state media