Buhera magistrate learned the hard way that showing leniency is not good at all times after a thief he sentenced to do community service at the court stole his laptop while he was out for lunch.
Magistrate Dennis Mangosi saved Darlington Chimuka from going to jail but despite the sympathy the later stole the learned judge’s gadget.
There was no more leniency for Chimuka this time as he was slapped with an effective two years and four months in jail.

To earn community service, Chimuka had stolen an DVD player from a school near Shava Mine.

But it never rains for Chimuka as he was collected from prison this week to answer to a fresh charge of stealing a Huawai
Y220 mobilee cellphone belonging to Tichaona Mavavarirwa who is a member of the CID stationed at Buhera District Police office.

He appeared at Murambinda Magistrates Court on Wednesday and re-fused to have his case heard there because of his record at the district court.
His case will now heard at Rusape Magistrates Court.