The Saviour Kasukuwere 2023 Presidential campaign team  #TysonWabantu is conducting road shows in Bulawayo and door to door campaign outreach today, Thursday.

#TysonWabantu Supporters of former Cabinet minister Saviour Kasukuwere, who recently declared that he is running for president in 2023, were filmed singing in Bulawayo wearing T-Shirts with his face and nickname ‘Tyson’. ‘When Tyson is there, everything is fine,’ the songs says

Announcing the news, the organisers said:

Join Us in Bulawayo Today Hundreds of green team volunteers are in Bulawayo today for a door to door reach out program. If you are in Bulawayo and you spot our volunteers, share some love, take a picture, collect a flyer. We invade the City of Kings today. #Tysonwabantu”

The schedule of the program is as follows:

10am Mganwini (Tashers)

11am Nkulumane ( Munyoro, Sokusile)

12noon Pumula (KoMpofu, Old, North, East)

1pm Cowdray Park (Terminus, Sign post)

The team said they will pass through Makokoba (Efusini)

2pm CBD ( Hyper, Tredgold, City Hall)

3pm end of Program

Kasukuwere was recently quoted in South Africa media saying he will run against President Mnangagwa in 2023 Presidential elections. Military sources say he is secretly backed by VP Chiwenga and his military allies.