Coaches at Bulawayo giants, Highlanders FC, have reportedly gone for two months without getting their salaries and they say they do not even know when their next salary is coming.

Despite this, the Club says it only owes them salaries for August, which they had started processing.

Bosso, as Highlanders are known, have three coaches on their payroll and these include Bekithemba ‘Super’ Ndlovu, Mandla ‘Lulu’ Mpofu and Julius Ndlovu who specialises with goalkeepers.

“We have gone for two months without getting paid. As I speak, we don’t even know when our salaries are coming,” one of the coaches, who requested anonimity for fear of victimisation, told the state media.

“The environment is very hostile to anyone who complains. You get accused of so many things that you are not even aware of, just like our colleagues in the juniors who were accused of being influenced by this other social club every time they raised welfare issues. It’s just unfortunate,” said the coach.

But, according to Ronald Moyo the club’s media officer, the coaches’ claims are not representative of the truth on the ground.

Moyo said despite the ravaging consequences of the Covid19 induced lockdown, the Club has made sure that it is up to date with staff salaries.

“The club is up to date with players and coaches’ salaries. The only salaries that are being processed today (Tuesday) are for the month that ended yesterday. We have always been up to date with salaries despite being inactive due to Covid-19,” he said.

Last month the club’s junior technical staff were given groceries and paid their full salaries by Highlanders’ member Bheka Sibanda.

state media