Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai has set the cat among the pigeons within the warring ruling Zanu PF, revealing that he has held meetings with the country’s feared military officials as part of his bid to allow the smooth transfer of power if he wins next year’s watershed national elections.

 This comes as the dogged former labour union leader is on the cusp of wrapping up an electoral pact with smaller opposition parties, which analysts say could see both President Robert Mugabe and Zanu PF defeated in the eagerly-awaited 2018 national polls.
“I have met with the church, political leaders from across the entire spectrum, the army, war veterans, civil servants and leaders of various social networks and civic groups who all agree on the need for a positive trajectory for this country that we love.

“We are very much aware, of course, that the stakes are high and that the regime will invest scarce national resources into nothing else but power retention.

“We must be ready for them, armed with no other weapon except our sheer unity and a collective resolve for change. All we need is a formidable unity that spans from the top to the very grassroots of our nation,” Tsvangirai said on Monday.

 “The change we seek will be good for every Zimbabwean, even for those who have tenaciously fought and frowned upon any prospect for change over the years. I wish to re-state that we mean no harm to anyone and none of us should feel endangered by the change we seek,” he added.

Defence minister Sydney Sekeramayi had not responded to questions sent to him by the time of going to print. daily news