The Zanu PF Mashonaland West Provincial Executive Council has recommended the suspension of former State Minister Webster Shamu and his wife, Constance Tsomondo from the party pending disciplinary proceedings against them.

The decision was reached at in Chegutu during the party’s Provincial Executive Council meeting.

Mashonaland West Provincial Chairman, Ziyambi Ziyambi said the province is going to write a letter to higher offices recommending the suspension, adding that a decision has also since been reached to have Shamu disallowed from contesting in the Chegutu East constituency.

Ziyambi also said the province is not happy with the way the former minister has been working with fellow party members, accusing him of causing the arrest of party members who opposed his views during recent primary elections.

Shamu is also alleged to have said Emmerson Mnangagwa and Zanu PF will never win free and fair elections in Zimbabwe.