File picture: A 24-year-old young lady on August 28, 2023 appeared before Masvingo Magistrate Conceptor Ngwerume facing charges of unlawful entry after being found in another woman’s house.
It is the State case as presented by prosecutor Precious Takuva that Nomatter Pinzirai (24) of Sisk, Masvingo, was found sleeping on the bed in Elizabeth Tandare of Mucheke D, Masvingo’s house on August 26, 2023 at around 1930 hours.
Pinzirai is reported to have gone to Tandare’s house at around 1300 during the complainant’s absence before gaining entry into the house through an unlocked door.
Tandare then found her and reported the matter to the police who carried out investigations leading to the arrest of Pinzirai.
The complainant told the court that soon after arriving home from work on the said date, she saw some footprints on her verandah and became suspicious.
“I arrived home at around 1930 hours from work. I then saw some footprints at the veranda and became suspicious that there were some people who were loitering around.
I then unlocked the main door and got inside the house and later checked in the rooms and that is when I saw the accused person sleeping in the spare bedroom whilst drunk and also wearing my clothes.
I tried to talk to her but she could not respond because of her state of drunkenness,” said Tandare.
The accused and the complainant are not related.
