A Chipinge woman from Ngatitonge village under Chief Musikavanhu was left nursing severe bodily injuries after being hit with a machete all over her body for turning down love proposal.

Primrose Mhute (22), a shopkeeper at Masekaya tuckshop at a local business centre, was approached by 23-year-old Blessing Mudzipurwa Mungana of Satiya village under Chief Muusha in Chimanimani.

Mungana proposed love to Mhute but she turned him down.

This did not go well with Mungana who then slapped Mhute on the face.

Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Manicaland provincial spokesperson, Assistant Inspector Luxson Chinanda confirmed the matter and called for civility in social interactions.

“The two wrestled and Mhute managed to push the accused to the ground in a bid to rescue herself. Mungana went home and came back armed with a machete, and when Mhute saw that Mungana was armed with a machete, she tried to escape but the accused pursued and caught her,” said Chinanda.

Mungana then struck Mhute once on her left hand once on the back of her right palm, cutting off her right-hand middle finger before neighbours could intervene.

The assailant then escaped from the scene but a report was made to Chimanimani police, leading to his arrest and the recovery of the machete.

“We encourage people to solve their misunderstandings in a civil manner and third parties must be called to mediate in case of conflicts. The other important thing is for men to make sure that they cannot force women to love them,” said Chinanda.

He said both men and women had a right to say no to unwanted solicitations.

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