Barbara Mutedzi

Your character is important to the success of your business and team. When my dad sold one his businesses, one which he had had for decades, those who bought and took it over were unsuccessful in retaining it.

The business was sold three times over within just one year of him having sold it, for many reasons including the loss of high and top performers due to poor leadership. The way you treat people matters.

You can never lead others beyond the level at which you are. Your character matters. Your character develops as a result of the habits and behaviors that you engage in every single day.

The habits and behaviors you engage in, are the result of the hormones and chemicals released by your brain.

Your brain releases hormones and chemicals aligned to the regular and consistent thoughts you have.

The more you think what you think on a regular basis, the more that becomes who you are, because your brain releases the chemicals and hormones that are related to what you think. This is both good and not so great news.

Your brain only releases the hormones and chemicals related to what you ‘think’. Nothing else.

It literally takes what you ‘think’ and says ‘your wish is my command – here you go’. So you are in control. Let me show you how:

Thoughts are literally words and sentences. Words and sentences you learnt from birth. When you were born you did not have language. You learnt from the people and house you were raised in, the community, your nation, region, media, what you read and listen to, the people you spend most of your time with and so on.

Unless you do the work of questioning everything, you are literally regurgitating stuff that you have been exposed to throughout your life. Other people’s stuff.

Now I am not saying that all of it is good or bad. But this is an opportunity to question all that you are, and if it is directed from what other people told you to be, or from who you really are inside.

The more you get to know your own voice, the more aware you become. The more aware you become, the higher your emotional intelligence becomes.

The higher your EQ, the better able you are to navigate your world from a space of deep knowingness.

Do the inner work. Question everything about you. You won’t regret it. Work on your physical body, work on your emotional body, work on your spiritual body.

Carve out your own principles, your own values and your own purpose. All these, are areas I explore with you, especially in the 6 month Conscious Leadership program for individuals.

Be clear on your purpose, principles and purpose, then use them as a guiding light in all that you do.

*Barbara Mutedzi is a life coach