Citizens Coalition for Change -CCC- president Nelson Chamisa has warned the ruling party ZANU-PF that the desire for change among Zimbabweans is greater than before.

Chamisa says while the Movement for Democratic Change was formidable when it was founded in 1999, this time the momentum is even greater and amplified than before.

“In 1999 we founded & launched the old & past Red party, we had huge momentum.

“But this time, the yellow CCC wave and momentum is too much, So fresh, So amplified, So electric!

“God is in it & Citizens are in it. We have come to triple things. We’re Triple C!,” says Chamisa.

Meanwhile, his sentiments came shortly after the ruling party had told him not to be fooled by the crowds he is pulling.

ZANU PF said the late MDC founder Morgan Tsvangirai used to fill stadiums, but still failed to win elections.
