Pastor Evan Mawarire, a Zimbabwean political activist has been thrown into Zimbabwe’s hell, his lawyer has said.

Mawarire appeared before a Harare judge on Friday after he was apprehended by state agents(CIOs) at Harare Airport upon his return from exile.

He was remanded in custody pending a court appearance in two weeks time.

He is facing a number of charges emanating from protests he was involved in last year.

Writing about the activist’s situation, prominent Zimbabwe lawyer Fadzai Mahere drew people’s attention to the criminality and barbarity of Mugabe’s penal and justice system against people championing freedom from Mugabeism.

Below is her uncensored statements on Mawarire’s situation;

Pastor Evan Mawarire has been classified as a “D” Class remand prisoner and is being detained at Chikurubi Prison where convicted murderers are held instead of the normal remand holding centre.

This is not about Pastor E as an individual but it’s about a battle for the soul of Zimbabwe. Are we a constitutional democracy – where free speech, free assembly, free conscience and political rights are respected – or not?

Do we speak out or do we choose apathy?

Do we hold onto disappointment that he chose family over fame – or do we rally behind what his incarceration represents for us as a country?

Police cells are awful.
Remand prison is inhuman.
Chikurubi serious crimes section is hell.

The injustice of his circumstances require unity on our part. This is offensive to the core.

This is a country where the innocent face prison and real criminals walk free.

Meanwhile, a Zanu PF Lacoste faction member who spoke to zimnews on condition that his name is not mentioned warned that Mugabe could unwittingly open gates of hell upon himself if he does not handle Mawarire’s case carefully.