According to a report from NewsDay, ZANU PF parliamentary candidates and senior officials have raised concerns regarding the country’s economic crisis and currency instability, apprehensive that these issues could lead to the loss of seats in the upcoming general elections.

During the party’s recent week-long induction workshop in Gweru, party officials, particularly parliamentary candidates, expressed criticism towards Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube, holding him responsible for failing to address the nation’s crises. The officials emphasized that the economy posed the most significant threat to ZANU PF’s prospects in the approaching elections.

The MPs voiced their fears that the soaring inflation could potentially undermine the party’s electoral success. These concerns prompted Finance Minister Ncube to promise action in tackling the economy, acknowledging the validity of their apprehensions.

The workshop, attended by senior party officials, 210 aspiring MPs, as well as youth and women quota members, aimed to prepare them for the upcoming elections. During the event, the Finance Minister presented an overview of the state of the economy, assuring the party officials that stability would be restored before the August 23 elections. Nonetheless, the MPs remained wary of the country’s rampant inflation, fearing its impact on the party’s electoral outcomes.

The officials demanded urgent government intervention to address the economic crisis, in order to prevent further harm to the nation’s economy.

Regarding the internal discussions within the party, ZANU-PF’s National Political Commissar, Mike Bimha, declined to disclose any details, comparing it to revealing strategies before a football match.

Zimbabwe continues to grapple with rising prices of essential goods, coupled with the ongoing depreciation of the local currency against the US dollar. Despite mounting pressure, the government has yet to reintroduce the US dollar as the official currency.

The forthcoming elections, scheduled for August 23, will see Zimbabweans voting for councillors, senators, members of the House of Assembly, and the president. While ZANU-PF has intensified its preparations, the Citizens Coalitions for Change is still in the process of finalizing its candidate selection. The ruling party has provided campaign regalia for all its aspiring candidates and has purchased 210 all-terrain vehicles for its parliamentary candidates and affiliates.