Dear Editor-

Through your publication, allow me to pay special tribute to all the hardworking and apparently committed staffers who are stationed at the Redcliff ZIMPOST office, Midlands Province, for the commitment towards ensuring outstanding service delivery to members of the community from our dormitory town.

While it remains a fact that Zimbabwe has, for long, been experiencing economic jeopardy which has left the civil service in a depressing state with the majority declaring incapacitation, the outstanding service delivery that I received when I stepped into the premises of the Zimpost offices in Redcliff Town some time last week has to be appreciated for the greater good of our beautiful, landlocked southern African nation and its Citizens.

Owing to the already mentioned economic constraints that our country today finds itself in, I found myself entrapped in the usual eleventh-hour go-back-to-school preparations for Tadiwa Shekinah Jnr, my second grade child who is enrolled as a pupil at Redcliff Junior, in our small, yet rich, urban center.

So, I wanted to buy some stationery for the boy (an adventurous dude, if you ask me), and a next-door colleague had advised that I visit Redcliff Zimpost after convincing me that the markup prices for the stationery were glaringly lower compared to stationery dealers in the town.

But, what actually surprised me the most was not the fact that I had to part ways with a few dollars to purchase Tadi’s stationery to the rare satisfaction of my very lean pockets of an equally ‘incapacitated’ citizen, but the kind of commitment to the call of duty that was displayed by the visibly jolly staffers who attended to me during my courtesy call at the Redcliff Zimpost offices.

Quite atypical of people who are facing the same challenges of ‘incapacitation’ that this reader  also faces, I must say.

The men and women from this station, whom I still do not know by either first or clan names, attended to me in a manner that reminded me of the good-old-90s when our civil service was a reliable unit that unquestionably delivered, when it mattered the most.

While communicating ‘silently’ with my inner-heart, I asked if these people were also the same people who were facing the same, perennial difficulties of poor salaries we all face in 21st Century Zimbabwe. For a moment, I felt challenged and again, ‘silently’ cursed the regular bad-days when I feel pissed-off by the very important clients who butter the bread (or, is it the crumbs) that characterize the very humble lifestyle that I lead.

Personally, I am not a proponent of poor remuneration to our learned brothers and sisters in the civil service- neither do I belong to the family of bootlickers, but I really believe that if most of us were to take a cue from these staffers that I bumped into at ZIMPOST Redcliff, our country will rise to the envied levels of yesteryear.

It has really been a very long spell since I last encountered Government workers who visibly treat poor remuneration as largely secondary to quality service provision.

If the quality service that was given to me and other queuing clients who were with me while making the last-minute back-to-school preparations for Shekinah at Zimpost Redcliff is really anything to go by, then it must not be regarded as a fact that civil servants in Zimbabwe have lower levels of job commitment in comparison to their counterparts in the private sector.

I now feel challenged and convinced that low levels of job commitment are detrimental to the economic aspirations of our country and the rare quality service provision from Zimpost Redcliff must be replicated by all of us albeit the pressures we understandably face as citizens of this troubled Republic of Zimbabwe.

Once more, THANK YOU ZIMPOST REDCLIFF for your rare excellency and inimitable commitment in quality service provision to the people from our community.

May God richly bless you!!!!

Matarirano B, Links Way, REDCLIFF
