In an incident that unfolds more like a African movie script a teacher at a school some 130 kilometres away from Harare in Kadoma is being accused of initiating a grade 2 pupil into satanism.
The teacher, Mrs *** ******* allegedly initiated a female pupil into satanism after sucking her blood through cutting her leg with a razor blade.
Local police confirmed the incident alleged to have taken place last week but only resurfaced yesterday.
A leaked whatsapp message from one of the school authorities (name withheld) is now making rounds on social media.
“At our school, lngezi primary one of the female teachers Mrs **** ****** initiated a student into satanism. Last Wednesday she cut the student on her feet with a razor and threatened her to not disclose the initiation. It was later discovered after her parents found the wound,” reads the leaked chat.
Sources said the teacher has been arrested and is assisting police with investigations as she is denying the allegations.
The schools authority could not be reached for a comment as their numbers were unreachable.