Takudzwa Kasukuwere is son to Zimbabwe and Zanu PF local government Minister Saviour Kasukuwere.
Takudzwa who looks like his father (facially)is studying at Swansea’s School of Management studying Finance.
What bothers many people is the fact that his father is in a party that is at war with UK government over sanctions and other things like land redistribution.

Takudzwa Kasukuwere faces UK deportation
Opposition spokesperson named as Elliot Pfebve has come out guns blazing accusing Kasukuwere of double standards as he is sending his children to UK for better education while in public he appears to be anti British establishment.
A source close to the development informed zwnews.com that the UK immigration office is in a no nonsense mood and likely to review the visa granted to Takudzwa Kasukuwere(See Photo).
Kasukuwere’s son is known for bragging that Zimbabweans are suffering back home because they are lazy.