A new breed of fearless Zimbabwe protesters known as Sesjikile or Tajamuka is causing  President Mugabe’s ZanuPF and police sleepless nights as they join hundreds of independent activists who are demanding the immediate resignation of Mugabe and his party from power.

Many analysts have concluded that this time Zimbabwe’s leadership is dealing with a problem ‘a lot bigger than MDC and ZimPF’ put together.

There are now thousands of people in churches, business circles and even ZanuPF’s war vets who feel they have been pushed too far too much and they have nothing to lose if they fight Mugabe’s government.

A source close to ZanuPF leadership told zwnews.com that:

Those who read signs of the times fear that its now sunset for Zimbabwe’s political elite.

One of these days they will wonder how they could arrest and house thousands if not millions of protesters. One of these days thousands if not millions will feel jail is better than going back to their dark homes after protest. One of these days even the police and soldiers are going to feel that they no longer defend the indefensible.

Things are getting worse and very soon they might have to arrest thousands of people on a daily bases,” said the source on condition of anonymity.

Political analyst Maxwell Saungweme shared the same view; “Zimbabwean people have been pushed into a corner and are bound to react. Naturally, people are beginning to say enough is enough through action,” he said.

According to many observers Tajamuka is a nemesis to authorities as they are going around Harare addressing people in bank queues encouraging them to confront Mugabe and ZanuPF about country’s money crises.

They also want Mugabe to come out and apologise for ‘ruining the economy back to stone age’.