In a suspected case of corruption, Gweru City Council sold stands in 2019 and according to reports there are no records of the transactions and where the money went.

It is alleged that there are no records of the number of stands sold, persons to whom they were sold, the purchase price or the balance outstanding.

OpenCouncilHre reports that stands valued at US$1 7 14 784 were sold by Gweru Council in 2019 but, the amount could not be traced in the financial statements.

It is further reported that some councilors who received stands in Gweru did not make arrangements to pay for them and had not paid anything by the expiry of their terms of office.

Meanwhile, Parliament has threatened to place criminal charges against Marondera Councillors owing to corruption.

Marondera City Council is one of the many local authorities acussed of graft and parly is not impressed.
