Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) Vice Chair Job Sikhala who was convicted of inciting public violence that he instigated in Nyatsime & is set to be sentenced today.

He was found guilty of posting a video encouraging CCC supporters to avenge the death of the late Moreblessing Ali.

According to the State, 20 families were left homeless following the violence, while 13 shops, six tuckshops and vehicles were extensively damaged after CCC supporters ran amok, indiscriminately attacking residents of Nyatsime.

Magistrate Tafadzwa Miti reserved the ruling for today.

“Through the words uttered, the accused (Sikhala) clearly incited the people of CCC. Indeed public violence erupted in Nyatsime . . . It is therefore clear that the utterances of the first accused (Sikhala) indeed incited the public to commit violence.”

Magistrate Miti also said Sikhala’s co-accused Godfrey Sithole was the one who provided transport to the people that caused violence in Nyatsime.

“The witness managed to link the second accused (Sithole) to the commission of the crime in that he indeed mobilised transport.

“To incite is to influence the mind of another to commit public violence, this can also be by gesture.

“The court is therefore convinced that the two indeed committed the crime of incitement to commit violence. As such the two accused persons are found guilty as charged,” she said.

Moreblessing killer, Jamba was since convicted of murder.